What if you had planted a forest 20 or 30, or 50 years ago?  

What would your life be like if you had chosen to act on an idea or intention, however imperfect those actions might have been?

 If you could, what piece of advice would you give to a younger you?

 We asked ourselves these same questions after realizing we had become financially successful but still felt unfulfilled. Realizing that we were no longer creating our lives.  Our business was running us and we were living as a cog in the system of consumerism, outside gratification and distractions, as opposed to living our authentic selves following our soul’s purpose. 

Having had a wake-up call we decided to do something radically different. We committed to reconnecting to ourselves, each other, and a meaningful life. We were determined to redefine life on our terms. 

We asked ourselves how we could use our gifts to make a difference in the world and expand our lives at the same time? 

A crazy idea popped into our reality & the fire inside of us started to grow… It involved travel, adventure & time in nature. We were going to drive from Portland Oregon to Patagonia, the southern tip of South America (not the clothing store!). We sold our business, got rid of all but their essential personal items, created their own expedition vehicle and set off.

After 7 years of travel, we have been to 12 different countries, added 2 new babies to our family, and have still not arrived at our final destination of Patagonia, Chile.

Life is the journey not the destination.

We bought an ocean front house on the Caribbean coast in Mexico (Latisha was not convinced about having our second baby in the back of the expedition truck), where we lived for 2 years enjoying the Caribbean, our new baby and designing our project we were creating in Mexico.

The travel bug and desire for adventure pushed us to get moving again.

Travel continuously pushes you to change and step out of your comfort zone, allowing for maximum growth.

We sold our house and set off.  This time determined to get to South America.  Life had different plans. Latisha got pregnant with our third baby.  So we hunkered down in the Southern Pacific region of Costa Rica, and have not left yet.  We have fallen in love with this small peaceful country that contains 5% of the world’s biodiversity and have made it our home base working on our next ripple.

Re-ignite your life

Our passion is to inspire and empower others to create their passionate prosperous & audacious life. To live life to the fullest.

Re-ignite your life
Central & South America2015-08-24T22:13:39+00:00
South Pacific2015-08-10T19:45:43+00:00
North America2015-08-10T20:06:54+00:00

Giving Back

It is a joint passion of ours to give back. We have always had a passion to help others and have raised money and volunteered for many organizations from conservation projects in the amazon, to an orphanage of 5000 in India. In fact we met while volunteering on a coral reef conservation project in Mexico. From there we went on to create a Bed and breakfast to give back the amazing hospitality that we have received on our travels. After the Bed and Breakfast we created a luxury resort, healing center and yoga studio for people to escape to and rejuvenate their souls.

Our latest project is The Ripple Revolution Summit, where 50% of all proceeds of lifetime sales go to building out and furthering school projects in both Liberia and Zimbabwe.

We were “being the change we wanted to see in the world and creating a ripple

  • Living life by design instead of default
  • Prioritizing our lives to consciously parent and homeschool our children.
  • Actively manifesting our world into existence
  • Volunteering and helping out at orphanages and community organizations.

It has always been about giving back in which ever way we can, and we are on a mission to empower as many people as possible to create their ripples, to show them that all of the power is within them, they just have to know how to access it.

Once you travelled, the voyage never ends, but is played out over and over again in the quietest chambers. The mind can never break off from the journey
Pat Conroy
Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.
Mark Twain